Communicating with families
Regular communication is an essential part of working positively and connecting with our teachers, students and families to build our community.
To maintain an ongoing and genuine dialogue with our school community, we have established a number of ways to share information, foster close relationships, and provide opportunities for families to partner with us in their child’s learning.
Our key means of communication is via the Compass Newsfeed: we are sending updates to students and families. Documents and support resources are also stored on Compass. For support logging in, see below.
Our newsletter is the first port of call for families to stay up to date with school news and dates.
It is published online fortnightly and contains information on upcoming whole-school, year-level and community events. It also celebrates student learning and achievements, provides updates on school direction and policies, including a report from the principal, as well as parenting tips and community notices.
Families are sent a link to the latest newsletter via Compass or they can click on the link on our website or from My Northcote High.
Compass is our online portal for families, students and teachers. We use Compass primarily for administrative purposes.
Students use Compass to access:
- daily updates to their class and co-curricular timetables
- excursion and event information
- semester reports, NAPLAN results and Learning Behaviour Reports (GPAs).
Families use Compass to:
- receive news, updates and reminders from the school
- view timetable updates
- track attendance and send absence notes
- directly email teachers
- consent to an event or an excursion
- make an online payment
- book interviews with teachers
- view semester reports, NAPLAN reults and Learning Behaviour Reports (GPAs).
Families receive an email when something is added to Compass that requires action, for example, payment for an excursion is due or a new item is added to the news, such as latest newsletter.
Compass can be used on a computer or smartphone. Students and parents are provided with login details before the start of Year 7.
Parent information forums
We run regular forums throughout the year for parents about topics related to study, course selection, careers and adolescent health, safely and wellbeing.
The details for these forums are advertised in our newsletter.
Connect Program
Our Connect Program is designed to provide students with an environment and resources that support learning, social skills and academic success.
Connect Tutors are the first point of contact for students, parents and teachers regarding students’ wellbeing.